Upward Ministry

Prayer at Trinity Church

prayerPrayer is a vital part of the life of the church and the life of a believer. As we pray for one another we strengthen the entire body of Christ. Prayer helps keep us focused on what we are to be about as God’s people in this place. The Upward Ministry Committee offers several ways for you to participate in the prayer life of Trinity Church:

There is a time of prayer every Sunday morning from 8:30 – 9:00. This time focuses on prayer for the morning’s activities, our community and those who don’t know the Lord as well as any special needs within the congregation. Times of spoken prayer and time for silent prayer are included.

Each month’s issue of the “Trinity Press” newsletter includes a Prayer and Bible Reading Calendar that lists specific people and ministries to pray for each day.

There is a prayer chain that prays for needs as they arise. You can receive prayer requests by phone or by email. To join the prayer chain, please call the church office at 283-2420 or email us at office@trinitychurchtroy.org

We encourage you to participate in as many of these activities as possible. Prayer keeps us focused on God and when we keep our hearts and minds centered on God, He will accomplish great things through us.