Welcome to Trinity Church!
At Trinity Presbyterian Church, exalting God, proclaiming Christ, and making disciples is more than just a phrase- it’s a lifestyle. These are the three things all Christians are called to do every day, not just on Sunday, and not just every now and then. These three actions guide everything we do as a church. Learn more about what we believe.
What to Expect
We are a small church with a family atmosphere.
Worship begins at 10:30 a.m. and ends around 12:00 p.m. and includes a blend of traditional and contemporary music.
There is no dress code. Some wear dresses or shirts and ties. Some wear jeans and t-shirts. Please feel free to dress how you feel comfortable.
There is a fellowship time following worship every week.
If you are unable to join us for worship in the sanctuary, you can join us for worship on Facebook Live.

Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Exalting God
Our first and most important purpose is to exalt God in all we do. At work, at school, in the community, honoring God with our words and actions is the greatest calling any person can experience.
Proclaiming Christ
As Christians, we are called to proclaim the good news of Christ to our world. This is more than simply talking about Jesus – to proclaim is to make known to everyone what Christ has done for us – and the gift of everlasting life we have with Him!
Making Disciples
It isn’t enough to honor God and tell others about His love and sacrifice for us – we are also called to make disciples. This means teaching and showing others what it means to live for Christ.
By being the hands and feet of Jesus in our world, we can bring many to know the Lord!
Ministry at Trinity Presbyterian Church
Our ministries and ministry partners allow us to reach out to our community and our world in tangible ways. From supporting local ministries such as the Hope 7 Food Pantry, InterVarsity, and Capital District Youth for Christ, to working with missionaries and mission organizations providing support to various people around the world, we thrive on being a blessing to others through love and service. We encourage you to join us in this mission and experience the life-changing joy that comes from following Jesus Christ!
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We’d love to stay in touch with you – sign up for our email list to receive weekly updates from Trinity Church